
About Dev Solitude

What this website is all about and why I created it


This is my place to explore my passion for web development. I love creating elements, layouts, designs, and rethinking the application of existing ones.


Like everything else in life, you don't get good at something without effort. Here I can improve my craft and maybe solve others' problems along the way.


I'm doing this because I enjoy it. But I think other people could benefit from it too. So I'll share things as I go. The blogs provide an informal narrative to implementing things, tools, and much more.


About Me

A little background on me personally and professionally.


By day I'm a software engineer known for my leadership and communication. I get involved and am a team player.


I'm a husband and father to an amazing family. We do everything together - play games, watch movies, shop, and just enjoy life.


I get by with a little help from music. I also love to read, play video games, do some woodworking, and watch movies.


Site powered by Jekyll with Argon theme.
Flashcard header photo by grey wight on Unsplash

All opinions are my own.